Tell me all about you

Vi såg Olly Murs i lördags och efter det har jag lyssnat konstant på honom, så charmig. Detta är min nya favoritlåt.
Men bara låt det dö

Sommar sommar sommar. Vill ha långt blont hår och vågor i både håret och havet.
Jag ser dig stör sig hårt på mig

I need you so much more than I can take

Gör er redo på att träffa min senaste kärlek, jeans. Absolut helst i form av hängeselbyxor men jeanskjolar eller ett par riktigt snygga jeans duger också.
Now Im at the age where I know what I need

Behöver, snygga sneakers, mer solsken, solbrända ben och massor med randigt.
Good girl, bad Guy what a perfect match

Snart snart snart kanske man kan ha baraben och få lite blondare hår också
Am I the only, the only believer

Love is the feeling we dont understand but we are going go give it to you.

När vi ändå är inne på temat med kvinnor jag blir imponerad av, här har vi en klassiker. Audrey Hepbrun, klassik och så mycket mer än ytan.
Or do you even care?

Här snackar vi drömtjej, totalt älskar Gigi Hadid. Hon har en härlig stil, dösnygg och ger intrycket av att vara världens härligaste. Jag och Nor brukar skämta om att hon är Kendall och jag är Gigi, livet känns lite bättre då.
If it's not the good one, I swear I want out

En av mina absolut största crushar, Sofi Farhman.
Underbar blogg och hennes träningsböcker är ren inspiration.
the love that lasts the longest is the love that never can be.

Favoritblogg, The Sartorialist.
there is a darkness on the edge of town

Stella McCartney, tumblr, fashion toast, Sofi Farhman, tumblr och Sofi Farhman
We were meant to be but a twist of faith made it so you had to walk away.

Längtar efter coola klänningar, hur bleka benen är första gången man är barbent, fina halsband, bra sandaler och snygga vita stickade tröjor.
Maybe I have been wasting My time
1. Wake up earlier. Not only does this improve productivity but it also gives you more time to make a good, hearty breakfast.
2. Make your bed. Let’s be real, being welcomed to a tidy bed after a long day at work/school (or a long day in general) is probably the best feeling anyone will ever experience.
3. If you want, spend a little more time on your appearance. Take some time choosing an outfit, applying make up or whatever. Do what helps you boost your confidence and self-esteem.
4. Stay hydrated, folks. Keep a bottle of water with you wherever you go.
5. Stretch everyday or start yoga (or do both, why not?)
6. Create a playlist consisting of songs that make you happy and listen to it. Listen to songs for the mood you want to be in, instead of the mood you are in.
7. Compliment at least one person per day. This could be an acquaintance, co-worker, class mate, stranger, whoever!
8. Use your manners. If someone holds the door for you, lets you go first etc, they did it voluntarily and didn’t have to do it, so a “thank you” wouldn’t hurt.
9. Eat your fruit and vegetables and always choose the healthy version over the junk food.
10. Have a good laugh. Catch up with friends, watch some ‘Parks and Recreation’, go see some stand-up comedy, reminisce about funny moments that have happened to you. You don’t need to be a doctor to know that humour has many benefits.
11. Be optimistic. Always look at the positives. There’s no point on focusing on the negatives because that isn’t going to help anyones mood at all.
12. Exercise. It doesn’t have to be anything to intense. A run around the block, a walk with your dog or even a ‘Just Dance’ session will do the job.
13.Bring a book/magazine or collect the daily newspaper with you. Spend you spare time reading.
14. Try and learn something new everyday. This can either be an interesting fact you saw online or a new skill someone taught you.
15. Help others when you are able to. Help your classmates with school work or offer to help you struggling neighbour lift those heavy objects.
16. Stop procrastinating. No matter how unmotivated you are to, push yourself and complete what you need to complete. Do what you gotta do. You know you’ll love yourself for doing it.
17. Drink some tea, because that stuff is goooooood (and also beneficial).
18.Make time to do things that help you relax, whether that’s painting, having baths, doing you nails or going for a run.
19. Don’t dwell on your mistakes, but instead grow and learn from them.
20. And lastly, be kind to yourself. If you love who you are, everyone else will”
- Chloe for Native Moon Magazine
We movie like an ocean but I cant swim anymore.

Längtar ihjäl mig efter vår, bra skor och snygga kjolar. Dessa godingar kommer från Pinterest, där man kan spendera timmar.
dont go crying to your mama cause youre on your own in the real world.
Vi läser på om vad som händer i USA och så tänker vi gud vad hemskt, vi blir kanske lite upprörda. Men sen stänger vi ner våran ipad, våran mobil och återgår till våran vardag. Vi låter våra känslor påverkas men vi låter inte effekten vara långvarig. Sluta med det. Låt nyårslöftet 2015 vara att verkligen göra en förändring i världen. Ingen kan göra allt absolut inte, men om ingen försöker så händer ju ingenting. Nu måste vi förändrar världen för det här är inte hållbart.
it was never just fun and thought u were different.

Oh lord I'm still not sure what I stand for.

Something gotta give now

Lately I been losing sleep dreaming about all the things that we could be.