It was never just a band.


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Det kanske verkar obegripligt, många förstår inte, kommer aldrig någonsin förstå men det förändrar inte faktumet att det gör ont. Anna Todd beskriver väldigt bra hur det känns  i cosmopoltian 

"Most of you reading this have already started to roll your eyes and laugh at how dramatic this sounds and that's fine. You simply don't get it. You see One Direction as a "manufactured boy band," and you make jokes about them and their fans. You just don't get it.

You don't see behind the "cheesy" songs and that's fine, this article isn't for you. This is for the girls, and boys too, who found out that one of five of their favorite people in the entire world has quit their favorite band. That may seem silly to you but these fans are the most dedicated, most loyal group of people you will ever encounter, and if they are feeling devastated, let them." 


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